
The world needs you and your leadership.

Coaching is a learning partnership that honours you as a creative, resourceful and whole being.

You are the expert of your own life and work, making you the best person to find your unique and authentic path forward - even when you feel challenged or stuck. As a coach, I will be your accomplice, guide, and cheerleader, supporting you as you uncover that path.

Our coaching relationship will help you unlock your leadership potential and level up your impact. We will start by identifying meaningful goals for our work together. Each session will focus on a related topic, exploring what you can control and where you have choices to lead and live more fully. You can expect to leave every session with new practices or actions to experiment with and learn from, so that over time you develop new habits, mindsets, and behaviours to increase your impact.

Together, we will work towards a clearer understanding of your leadership aspirations and learning edges, creating the conditions for you to take proactive steps towards meaningful growth and change.

Coaching is a powerful tool for transformation.

My journey as a coach was sparked by a desire to support change makers and community leaders to live healthy, fulfilling, joyful lives while creating transformative change in the world.

I also came to coaching with some healthy skepticism. I am keenly aware that it takes more than good intentions and a vision board to create meaningful change. For too long, coaching has replicated dominant systems and structures, and has often been inaccessible to those who are most impacted by inequity and injustice - and whose leadership is most needed in the world.

I believe coaching is a powerful (and I daresay magical!) tool that should be accessible to all leaders. As your coach, I will support you to explore and expand your understanding of yourself, your leadership strengths and opportunities for development, and your own strengths, agency, and personal power. We will also acknowledge and grapple with the real world conditions and constraints you are experiencing, including systems of power and injustice. Together, we will uncover and experiment with a wide range of tools, practices, and approaches; expanding the range of possibilities for you as a human and a leader.

I serve clients nationally and internationally, via phone or Zoom. I also offer a sliding scale fee structure to ensure that my services are accessible to a diverse range of clients.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of growth and transformation, let’s connect and explore how coaching can support you in reaching the next level of your leadership and impact in the world.

Embark on a journey of
and transformation.

Do you want to develop your leadership skills in a practical and authentic way?

Are you in a new role or experiencing a challenge that is pushing your limits?

Is it time to take your leadership and impact to the next level?